
Importance of Islamic Burial Customs

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What is the importance of Islamic law in modern-day USA? What about other types of law and how do they affect our freedoms? What about free speech and religion? How does all of this fit into the larger context of why we are all Americans?

Islamic law is commonly referred to as Islamic law, or sharia law, is a legal code governing Muslim nations. Its purpose is to promote spiritual harmony, but sometimes, it conflicts with Western secular law, which some claim to be the root of all evil. For example, in Nigeria, non-Muslims who marry a Muslim are committing a sin according to the Qur’an, so there is a pressing need for them to get a divorce. In many areas of Africa, an Islamic law is enforced against those who marry a non- Muslim, such as Christians. Even countries such as Morocco have laws that persecute these types of couples. For more information on these topics, see Fiqh of Islamic Law, by Dr. Muhammad Yunus.


The tenth and last question we will answer are about the importance of islamic law in the United States. In America and Europe, many people have become “radicalized,” especially after the September 11th attacks. Their beliefs have changed and now include the endorsement of killing innocent life. This is what is known as being radicalized, meaning that they adopted an extreme version of the ideology.

In the United States, many of these “radicalized” Muslims turn to the internet to find islamic law information. This means that they search for books or websites devoted to the issues of islamic law. They then read the passages of the law and comment upon it. As a result of this, many scholars have commented that the islamic law in the United States is not well understood. The ignorance of the American public is what allows islamic radicals to use the law as a way to terrorize the population.

The first thing we need to do is understand the importance of islamic law to the whole of Islam. Islam is, as we all know, a religion, which preaches love, compassion, and peace. It preaches a humble life and teaches that there are only truth, goodness, and wisdom. It preaches modesty (haram, i.e., covering from front to back) and prayer (islamic ablutions). All Muslims must believe in these concepts, and they must express them with utmost respect. In other words, the principle of “man is above the law” is at the core of all teachings of Islam.

There is also the issue of burials. Burial, in the eyes of Islamic law, is the final ceremony of a human life. Under the islamic legal concept, burial is the final ceremony that sanctifies the soul and ensures that it will be placed in the hands of those who are rightful beneficiaries of all eternity. Therefore, all Muslim graves have been marked with a stone headstone, or a number of statues depicting the various aspects of the deceased’s life. This is done to ensure that all Muslim individuals will be able to visit their ancestors and pay their respects.

Another very important aspect of the islamic culture is the Zakat. This is a payment, or charity, to holy beings – jinn (gods), satans (demons) and all other creatures that Allah has created. The Zakat is considered to be a form of worship for the Muslim religion and is strictly observed by almost all Muslims. The payment of Zakat can be in the form of money or in kind such as alms, charities, and works of service.

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Exhumation is also an important principle of islamic law that is implemented in the classical Muslim jurists. By exhumation, it is hoped that the body of the deceased, Muslim or not, has been buried in accordance with classical Muslim jurists. There are two types of exhumation – Muslim and non-Muslim. In the cases of Muslim and non-Muslim individuals, where Muslim burial ground is reached and there is no other known grave, the graves are exhumed in order to determine the burial site of the person.

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