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Why Choose Woodleigh Residences In Singapore?

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For a long time, people living in Singapore have preferred to live in the country’s capital city. Over the years, however, the demand for luxury residential properties in Singapore has grown tremendously. Many people now choose Woodleigh Residences in Singapore as one of their preferred residential options. These residential properties are located all across the country.

Woodleigh is the most renowned name in the Singapore real estate market. Many choose it because of its numerous attractive residential properties. The area features scenic views such as the Sentosa Island, the Maritime Museum and the soon to develop Bukit Timah Market. All this is combined with a variety of activities including boating, golf, tennis, swimming, hiking, horseback riding and many other recreational activities.

In addition to this, the area boasts some of the best shopping malls. This makes residents happy every time they decide to shop. They can choose from a wide range of goods such as electronics, clothing and much more. Residents also enjoy a very low crime rate in the area. In fact, the theft rate is just a fraction of that of the rest of the country.

The location of the Woodleigh Residences in Singapore is quite advantageous. The property offers easy access to the airport, the train station and major bus depots. This helps residents get around easily. The roads are well maintained and safe for driving. In fact, the road network is considered to be among the best in the country.

There are many different entertainment options in the area. Many residents choose to visit the Sentosa Island. However, they also take advantage of the many fun activities in the area. The water sports such as snorkeling, windsurfing and sailing are very popular in the area. There is even a casino in the area for those who wish to gamble some of their money!

There are also many dining options in the area. Many residents choose to dine at one of the restaurants located on Airport Road. resident get great food and fresh ingredients delivered right to their doorstep. Many residents enjoy fresh seafood delivered to their doorstep as well. This makes dining in Woodleigh Residences in Singapore very convenient for residents and visitors. In addition, many residents choose to have lunch at one of the local Thai or Chinese restaurants located in the area.

When it comes to shopping, residents can choose Woodleigh residences in Singapore if they wish to shop. They have a large collection of local and imported products to choose from. residents can choose from a wide variety of clothing, shoes and much more. There are even some residents who choose to have their portraits taken in the area by an onsite professional.

If residents prefer country living, there are plenty of choices for them to choose from in the area. Woodleigh Residences in Singapore has three different types of country homes to choose from. residents can live in the Countryville style of residence, the Ranch house style of residence or the Heritage style residence. residents can enjoy all the local activities that the area has to offer, while choosing the type of residence they want to call home!

The area has a town square, which is open on Saturdays. It is also possible to get into the Woodley Park Shopping Centre on Wednesdays through Fridays. On Saturdays, there is also a concert held in the park. Woodleigh High School is located in the area.

The area offers entertainment including nature walks, hiking trails and golfing. There are also bike paths that lead residents to the shopping centres. There is a playground in the area. There is a water tower for people who wish to view the setting sun during the summer months. A local restaurant called Sapphire Lagoon features a restaurant that features the best of local and International cuisine. Other local businesses include a bowling center, golf course, swimming centre and concert hall.

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