Home Improvement

How To Design with Modern Kitchen Cabinets

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Modernity is an aspect that every homeowner would want to see in their kitchen. If you find the right cabinetry, you wouldn’t have to struggle with other parts of the kitchen. The key to creating a modern kitchen is in finding modern kitchen cabinets. So, where do you start if you are interested in such cabinetry? This is a question that you can only answer if you know the features that define modern kitchen cabinets.

How to create modern kitchens using cabinetry

Here are some tips that you can use if you want to transform your kitchen space into a modern one.

  1.     Create contrast

Contrast is a defining characteristic of a modern kitchen. For you to create a perfect contrast, you need to think about all the aspects of your kitchen ranging from cabinetry, countertops, lighting, and appliances. All these aspects work together in the kitchen to create harmony.

Kitchen cabinets are the most important in this list, thus, you should prioritize them when making important decisions. The most important thing is to consider the kind of colors that you will have for your kitchen cabinets. Modern kitchen cabinets can have two different colors for lower and upper cabinets.

The colors should also contrast well with other colors of the kitchen’s appliances, countertops, and lighting. You might need help from an interior designer to get a perfect contrast in your kitchen.

  1.     Find the right balance

Creating contrast is baseless if you can’t find the right balance. You must create a balance of the colors that you are using. The basic rule is 70/30 if you are using two colors in your kitchen. You can also opt for 70/20/10 if you want three colors. You must start by identifying the main color, which will cover 70% of the kitchen, and add the second color covering either 20% or 30% depending on your preference.

  1.     Tap into psychology

When choosing the right colors for modern kitchen cabinets, you should use psychology, which helps you find the perfect color. Every color has its psychological effects on the eyes of people. For example, cool blues and greens are good for creating a calm and focused feeling. Similarly, lighter shades are great for evoking the feeling of happiness in the kitchen.

Final say

Now you have an idea of how modern kitchen cabinets look like. You should always check out these modern tips before you start your kitchen renovation.


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